What is miraDry?
Please follow these instructions after your miraDry treatment. If you have any questions, please call our office at 610-518-7546.
- You must keep the area clean – wash with water and a gentle liquid soap.
- Stay away from dirty or dusty areas to minimize risk of bacterial infection.
- It is possible you may experience swelling for the next 1-2 weeks. Do not wear sleeveless tops, instead wear loose fitting tee shirts for the next 1-2 weeks until swelling subsides.
- Massage the area for 5 minutes, 5 times a day for 5 days as tolerated without causing pain. A good way to remember this is to massage:
- as soon as you wake up
- at breakfast
- at lunch
- at dinner
- before bed
- Avoid any vigorous activity for two weeks post-treatment. If you normally exercise heavily, wait before resuming your upper body exercise routine. If you experience any irritation visually or by sensation after exercise, stop and call the office.
- Finish course of antibiotics as prescribed.
- Avoid shaving until the tenderness has subsided enough for your comfort level. Begin the use of a brand new razor to avoid risk of infection.
- Avoid applying any antiperspirant/deodorant within the first three (3) days to one (1) week. Do not apply over any broken skin. Begin use of a brand new deodorant to avoid risk of infection.
- You may take 600mg of ibuprofen every 6-8 hours with food for pain and swelling for the next three (3) days.
- If no allergies, you may take Percoset (1-2 pills) every 6-8 hours as needed for extreme pain. It may be a good idea to take one before bed the first night of the procedure to help you sleep. Do not drive, or make any important decisions while taking this. The office will supply you with the medication.
- Use ice as needed for pain and swelling. Place a cotton cloth between the ice and your skin to prevent frostbite.
- Your underarms can take up to two (2) weeks or longer to heal from the procedure.
- Begin arm stretches (shown below) 3-4 days after the procedure. Perform each stretch 3-5 times per session, holding for 8-15 seconds. Perform three (3) times a day.
*These are general guidelines. The most up to date post care instructions are provided in office by your clinical team at the time of your visit*