Microneedling Post-Care Guidelines


Please follow these instructions after your microneedling treatment. If you have any questions, please call our office at 610-518-7546. If you also had a natural growth factors - plasma blood treatment, please also see the plasma blood post-care here.

People who have had a history of hyperpigmentation, or are of Mediterranean, African, Asian or Hispanic descent should discuss the use of Even & Correct Advanced Brightening Cream  before and after the procedure with your provider.
  • Sun exposure should be minimal for one week post-treatment.
  • No make-up for at least 8 hours post-treatment. 
  • Wash the treated area with a gentle cleanser as needed.
  • You may use your regular creams and moisturizers, with the exception of exfoliating or acidic creams, starting in 24 hours. 
  • The area may be flaky. Be sure to keep the area moisturized.
  • The area will take time to heal as directed at the time of your consult. Typical healing time is 2-3 days. 
  • You may use Tylenol for pain control in the first 48 hours after the procedure. Do not use other pain killers.
  • Do not use Retin-A or glycolic acid for one week after the procedure. Be sure to check your moisturizers for Retin-A or glycolic acid in the ingredients.
  • Use ice wrapped in a cotton cloth as needed for pain and swelling. 
  • You should not have any skin procedures, including BOTOX, dermal fillers, or lasers for seven (7) days post-treatment.
  • If instructed, use Even & Correct Advanced Brightening Cream  for two (2) weeks after your treatment. 
  • Even & Correct Advanced Brightening Cream may be used to enhance the results of the microneedling treatment. 
  • Redness may persist for a few days. To cover this up, we recommend you use a green skin primer after moisturizing. Apply concealer and foundation on top of primer. We recommend Dermablend Smooth Indulgence Redness Concealer.

*These are general guidelines. The most up to date post care instructions are provided in office by your clinical team at the time of your visit*